Elite Engineering Disclaimer
All Elite Engineering parts are sold for off-road use only. All modifications and installations are at the customer’s own risk. Elite Engineering holds no responsibility, either implied or otherwise, for mechanical, electrical, or other failures when using any aftermarket products. Items sold for off-road use only are illegal in many states and provinces and are intended for vehicles that may never be used on public roads.
By purchasing any aftermarket product, the customer takes full responsibility for any use and/or misuse of the product and agrees that Elite Engineering holds no responsibility for any consequences, legal or otherwise, resulting from such use and/or misuse.
Because of the intended use of Elite Engineering products, Elite Engineering makes no warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied, oral or written, to purchasers, safety, fit, merchantability, or length of service. Purchasers are responsible for the selection of proper goods and must rely on their own skills and judgment to determine whether such goods are suitable for their application. There is no warranty, expressed or implied, as to whether the goods sold will protect the purchaser or the ultimate user of such goods from injury or death.